Strategy & Leading Millennials: FBS Dodd Coach of the Year, Utah's Kyle Whittingham
New York Times and Amazon bestselling author, Mark Cook, interviews Whittingham on leading young adults with strategy. Whittingham's teams always overachieve in the win column. Whittingham's strategies are a combination of inheritance from Urban Meyer, those of his own NFL-coaching father and two decades of improving his own process. Whittingham's teams always seem to rank in the top 20 nationally and in the top 10 academically and in community leadership. Whittingham is clear on his purpose of fan entertainment. He owns one of the longest consecutive sellout streaks in the country in one of the smaller major college football cities, Whittingham leads his teams with a strategy process that delivers entertainment. Whittingham realizes his vision, mission, objectives, goals, and culture deliver excitement to fans and success to young lives. This video interview-tutorial on strategy is a complete roadmap for success leading millennials.