LeBron James, Female Execs, Other Fortune 500 Leaders and Tiger Woods
What do the greats have in common? Even the best use personal coaches to lead breakthroughs on skills, strategy and pivots. Mark's coaching process is built on experience as a turnaround CEO, co-founder of C7 ($123-million exit), million-dollar researcher and on his 4,000+ client wins. Schedule a breakthrough today.
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The Coaching Process
A windfall is an unexpected profit from a surprising source. Mark's keynotes and coaching create unexpected profit and make you the surprising source. Gain rapid results with the research-based, practice-proven Windfall Series. Some earn CPE!
Business PivotsFind $100,000+ in one meeting. Look closely at 25 financial levers neglected, pivot products or operational constraints. Mark led the largest-ever study of award-winning innovation that became a New York Times bestseller. More importantly, 200 finance pros helped design a fast windfall start.Your Guide to Innovate Financial Windfalls
Sales RevenueSales coaching grows revenue fast. ID prospects in eight stages. Check 30 levers and pull the right ones first. Mark guides you to weekly goals. He's worked with hundreds of top salespeople who achieved 30 percent growth vs. the status quo 5 percent to author an Amazon #1 bestseller.Your Guide to Revenue Windfall
Strategy UpgradesCreate a clear destination with a path. Engage your teams in a vivid vision, motivational mission, team objectives and individual goals. Upgrade five areas of strategy to escape corporate fog. Mark led a study of leaders in 13 GDPs (every continent) whose clarity created strategy windfalls.Your Guide to Upgrade Strategy!
People LeadershipMark shares his work with iconic leaders. Dr. Brad Parkinson led creation of GPS. Marty Cooper led the invention of cell phones. Jehan Sedat led Womens’ rights in Egypt and Herb Kelleher co-founded the unparalleled Southwest. Apply practices from 100 more leadership windfalls.Your Example of Leading Today's Workforce.
Also, Professional Passion:
-Gain a new way to think about your career. -Gain new letter credentials for your resume. -Earn continuing education (CPE).
More Accolades
Dr. Brian Randle, Co-Owner of Eight Practices
Lanelle and Troy Butterfield, Owners of Two Businesses
The Essentials
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You, The Certified Professional
Become a Certified Innovator (CI), Strategists (CS) or Professional Business Developers (PBD). Like John Doe, CI, CS, PBD, master frameworks with coaching and deliver beneficial results to receive an e-badge and certificate to socialize your new credentials.
Personal coaching with Mark gives you the ability to attack opportunities and change results, one step at a time. Certify your ability to advise new work wins, change minds and affect outcomes. Receive CI, CS, or PBD through the Windfall Series.